‘Dear You’ — The Love Letter Series (2)
Dear You,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. (I sound like I'm OLD right LOL, I mean firstly I am writing a letter, so hey) It’s been a while since I’ve seen you or you’ve seen me, and for that, I sincerely apologize. I made a difficult choice to give you the opportunity for a ‘normal’ upbringing. At the time, I was sad and confused, but I always hoped you’d one day understand the decisions I made concerning you and your mother.
The first and most important thing I need to say is this: I love you so much and always have. From the moment you held my finger and looked into my eyes, I knew I belonged to you. No matter what the future held, I was certain you were made for me to love. (no Muni Long.. cheesy, I know lol). You own me. (fun fact no other woman has been able to do such a feat!)
They say a man changes when he has his first daughter — either he becomes a better version of himself or, unfortunately, a deadbeat (there are probably more options but these two stay LOUD in my face) Before you came into my life, I wasn’t the BIGGEST believer in fate or divine purpose. But everything that followed your birth made me a firm believer that you and your mother were given to me to protect and learn from. I’m not sure how well I did at protecting you guys, but I love you both with every bit of my heart.
You are my little person who taught me what it means to love outside of myself. You taught me selflessness, honor, and a deeper understanding of love. You were the first woman I ever loved unconditionally, unashamedly, and without expectation. (well I did expect a smile every time I blew a raspberry on your belly :) )
The moment your tiny hand wrapped around my finger, I realized that maybe I needed you more than you needed me (even though you probably didn’t know it at the time).
And here’s something you should remember for the future: any guy who wants to be in your life better set the bar high. If he’s not writing you love letters or standing outside your window with a boombox, tell him to keep it moving! Infact call me, ill help him keep it moving! I know I have no real right to say that on the basis its been a very long time, but I do want you to know this.
Even if we are estranged right now, I thank the universe for bringing you and your mother into my life. I trust that I played the role you needed me to play. And if you ever need me, I’m not far — never far. I will always be your protector, your guy, your pops. I’m yours forever.
With all my love,